wRreplace allows its users to replace many text phrases in their documents at once. The program is compatible with Plain text Unicode file formats only. wReplace is a text editor tool and a notepad replacement. The main advantage of using the wReplace application is that it is very small and does not consume many system resources while running. This increases computer performance and enhances the user experience. wReplace can also paste a replacement table from a spreadsheet application such as Excel and Calc. The program is also capable of many different search options for different character types such as ASCII, Alphabetic, Non-numeric, White character and Punctuations. Users can easily repeat previous searches by pressing the assigned hotkey (F4). The program comes with full font and font-size customizations. It can also perform Transcription (phonemic orthography) and Morse code conversion. wReplace is compatible with almost all commonly used versions of Microsoft Windows such as Windows 98, 2000, Me, NT and XP. Another advantage of using the wReplace application is that it is completely free and does not annoy its users with nag screens.